The River Of Life -excerpt 2- who are we

You are not a lawyer!

You are not a doctor!

You are not a Christian!

You are not Muslim!

You are not a Hindu!

Let us try to understand what I mean.

We usually introduce ourselves or others by saying: “This is Dr. Robert. He is a lawyer”. Most of the time we all like to use labels and titles to describe who a person really is. 

From our early years of education, we start associating people with their position, their titles or status.  Slowly but surely, we then become conditioned and start to position ourselves in comparison to others.

We tend to respect people who have important positions, such as managers, C.E.Os, politicians, or heads of various organizations.

Every young boy or girl, every human being has a unique mind, brain, and heart, yet we are still very similar to any other human being.

Studying something in particular, acquiring a skill, working under a professional name, they all add to our ‘mind and intellect’. 

However, it is important not to let these things imprison you or make you feel afraid or intimidated by others.   


Let’s take some time and try to really feel the meaning of my next words:

“I AM”.

Take a moment now to reflect on what it means to be complete.

Then you can go on and say: “I have studied X and practiced that profession as a career”. 

Outside my work, I simply “AM”. 

I look at my fellow human being with the same openness I had when I came out of the womb. 

You are not “Jad”, you are not any “one”, “title”, “persona”, or “follower”.

You simply ARE.

You can then continue the discussion with what you have studied and what you currently do (I studied medicine, I practice therapy, I pray to…etc).

This new perception will allow you to go deeper within yourself, detach yourself from titles, and allow yourself to reconnect with your core being – your pure self. 

Simply imagine it as if you would be wearing a robe that is called “a lawyer”, “a therapist”, or “an engineer”. It’s only a piece of garment!

Take it off when you’re not using it.

It will take a while for this shift to sink in but when it does, you will be in harmony with the river of life.
2. Where do you come from? 

Who are you?

From the moment the semen came into existence to this day when I am typing and you are reading this, I have been through a few miraculous changes. We often forget how amazing, magical, and spiritual these changes are.

However, if we keep on going in reverse, we will then reach a universal truth: 

We each come from our parents, our parents come from their parents, and this goes on and on until we are faced with the dilemma of Adam and Eve. If we keep going backwards, we will then see that it seems like it all comes from LIGHT. This fits in nicely with the Big Bang theory and many others. 

According to quantum physics, we know that the dissection of electrons will only lead us to LIGHT.

Everything is light! 

We are made of light!

You can’t be anything but a pure being coming from ONE SOURCE having a physical experience.

Many have used the phrase: ‘You are a spiritual being having a physical experience’, and it seems to resonate very well with people.

I’m sure most of you can understand why.

Now, let me ask you a question.

Is the little kid that you once were, that 5 year old playing outside in the garden – is he still you? Will you look the same when you are 80 years old?

Everything changes, therefore no one can define you according to your shape or appearance. Nothing is permanent.

But there must be something unchangeable, because you have known YOU since birth and throughout your life there was a constant notion of your “self”.

That is YOU.

You are the presence, the unchangeable, the one who can watch your body changing throughout years. The one who can observe your own thoughts, ideas and interactions. 

Once you start understanding this truth and stop identifying yourself with your body, your mind, your profession or the society you happen to live in – you will find your kingdom.

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Great for stress.healing.insomnia.

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