Finding meaning in a world of chaos

I won’t hide under the shallow layers of positive quotes.

I know i’m speaking on behalf of many persons who tries hiding into doubtful meanings in this world of Chaos

By nature I observe a lot ,being a musician sensing subtle emotions ….also by analysing the Minds of people and trying to observe “not identify” the nature of the mind, I see people around me talking ,speaking, acting, behaving without any clue of what they are doing.

Through years of practicing life coaching, mentoring I have been listening to people which many of you would think they are extremely positive and by seeing their profile on Facebook, you would think that their lives are amazing.

sadly and many colleagues of my profession or similar like psychologists, know the real truth within the psyche of the human being especially nowadays

or let me say after the rise of the digital age and the fake connection of people ,we are losing emotions and feelings day after day.

But many of us in the mental health profession,or “peace” guiders enjoy the rise of sadness and are completly off track..

Instead of acting upon these dark minds and thriving to make a change, some thrive to keep their clients in the dark to prosper financially , after all …these “helpers” have no meaning also.


Notice how religious talks are rising again which is not wrong but why now ?and massively !

I will tell you why: it’s because the human being is facing a dead-end in his meaning of life…

when you try to see the world through the lens of your mobile phone, visiting countries ,talking to unknown people not knowing the difference between a robot and human being,

chatting endlessly with fake friends creating new ones blocking other ones.. thus… deep down in your self you know that the individual has no more meaning (including your self)

which is the basic reason of this article..

Religions ,priests, dogmas, afterlife talks, are rising to try to give us a meaning by going back to our ancestors to solicit our being for finding a meaning after this physical life,

because apparently this “modern/hectic/business life is no longer giving a passion or a reason to continue living it with some joy or happiness,

or let me say it in another way : with no more patience and thrill to discover new things.

Trying to live to feed our kids in order for them to raise their own kids and both are speeding up a chaotic life where running blindly is all what is left, in other words “Death”

Where is the beauty in all that?

you may hide and act positively and try to behave as if nothing is wrong ,

but deep inside your soul is dark and you know there is no way out unless a real meaning emerge from this chaos.

We’re indeed standing at the junction of two Roads :

one that is completely obscure, dark and meaningless

and another one which may still give us a chance by asking deeply these questions :

who am I why ?

Why did I came on Earth,

what is the true meaning behind this life ?

what are the Hidden Secrets of this life?

and yes .. religions can give you partially many answers because all this divine wisdom from our Masters and Prophets left a trace so we can follow it .

that doesn’t mean that religion speaks full truth and has the only solution .

but it’s inviting you again to break down this horizontal timeline which is called birth and death and find the crosspoint,

the cross of Resurrection which is called the vertical line cracking this horizontal line ..,

this symbol of Jesus crucifixion is the Eternal Life and by Symbol I’m speaking now psychologically so that many people can understand my point ,

so kindly do not understand my statement as a denial of the Christian Faith ..that’s not the subject for now!

Once we find a meaning in a timeless zone , clarity will shine,and meaning will rise .

all we have to do is to slow down and watch out from this prison called “social media”, which myself and millions have been trapped in it .

I invite you all to break from this prison because soon.. and by soon I mean within 10 or 20 years statistics are showing that the ratio of suicide will rise among teenagers by 20 to 30%.

you can check the facts!!!…

indeed we missed the ancient times where meaning ,joy ,bliss were not far away from our Shadows ,they were actually our Shadows !

let me list a set of statements that can help us regain some clarity and passion in our hearts:

1- visit a friend don’t chat with him

2- care once a week about helping a person

3-practice a form of ritual spiritually and love yourself.

4- remember to visit your parents ask about them .

5-spend quality time with your children

6-enjoy being in nature

7-open a book not a tablet

8-smile as much as you can and observe the wonders of this life

9- live your day as if it’s your last one.

10- try to reconciliate people with love interfere where there is hatred

11- remember that all your loved ones will be missed one day,..or gone.

12- don’t take life too seriously

13- enjoy artistic value, build your inner soul

14- love God ,life and the universe as you never did

15-finish your day with gratitude

your life is a meaning into itself

,it’s a meaning for all beings not just humans, even to nature.

when we all act and think in this way ,the word meaning will dissolve and “bliss” will reside !!..

love to all,peace and blessings

Jad mehanna

I want to save you, My religion is right! 

A christian was asking a muslim :

How will you get saved ?

Muslim : i pray to Allah , and believe in our prophet Mohammed.

Christian : but it’s not true , you must surrender to jesus , he is the son of god and through him you will escape the wrath of hell.

Muslim : your testament is false , jesus is called Issa and it s wrong to divide god into a trinity that s a blasphemy.

Christian : no one can be saved unless..

Atheist interrupts both : sorry i heard you both arguing about being saved and god … 

Do you really believe there is god ? What a pitty , all your scriptures are nonsense and fiction.

U should believe in science , we re just an evolution of our ancestors , there is no hell or heaven , u just die and life moves on.

Christian and muslim : oh plz you atheists are doubtful and so narrow minded , your science can only know what is seen, but what about the unseen? 

The quor’an and bible date 1400 to 3000 years old.

Hindu : excuse me, i respect your books but our baghvad gita and vedas dates to 5000 years old and more, our hindu religion extend to even further, we have a trinity way before you christians,..

Christian: so you re mocking me? Your hindus religion is all evil and devilish, your many gods are demons…our priests warned us about you

Hindu: so you are throwing 1.3 billion people to hell assuming we all worship the devil? 

Where did compassion, meditation came from?

We have the most peacful religion, why do u judge us and assume we are all evil? We know god is one and the source is one, we do have gods but we know these are symbolic gods

Muslim: allah is one, seems hindus and christians like to keep believing in gods, saints and u dissect god into many, our qur’an is the truth.

Convert both for the sake of your safety

Buddhist : you keep arguing about your books and gods, who said there is a god outside your experience!

Did you manage to reflect, meditate? It s all in your mind, your thoughts! Once you keep meditating you will recognize the oneness of all the universe, your gods and saints and pointings to the truth that you experience.

Atheist:i find some truth in your buddhism, we know it s in the mind and meditation is beneficial, but you guys take it to the extreme, and believe in reincarnation and nirvana, you just flip between a religion amd science

Taoist: the source is one, what are you all arguing about, god or tao are a name for the un-named , it s not the real name, the source can be realized and the energy is one.

Arguing, discussions, loud voices convincing each other…

Suddenly a kid pass by : why you are fighting about god? 

All : stop it kid, this is an adult matter

Kid :how do each one of you pray?

…well we sit in silence and

-recite our qur’an

-pray the holy father

-we meditate

-i follow morals and walk alone for some stilness

-we choose to be good and silent in our temples.

Kid : did you notice you all get in silence but use many ways?


What do u mean?

Kid : all your action start from inaction.

Did you ever wonder why we all have same body, same brain, same mind?

But you fight over nothing, did someone visit heaven and came back?

Did u try to pause and  notice that the breath unites us, humanity is our religion?

All…..    !

Kid : use your own way discretly, the truth cannot be but one

There is not many truth!!

God is not here to watch us fight between each other

We created these arguments

Is nt time to reconcile with each other?

Science and religion and all your scriptures are all different rivers, all leading to one ocean.

All : we do feel ashame from our quarels , we must use our wisdom to enhance our own link with god . And remain silent….

The kid disapeared…

Where is he ? Says all..

Who is he?

We dunno what to say….

Hundred of years killing each other..and we couldnt accept each other.

We must live more peacfully and care about our improvement not the others

The kid appeared in all the minds : i love you all,

Don’t fight, we re all one, do not use each other, kill each other

All …   we don t know what to say,

We have been blind since hundreds and thousand of years…

Kid : i m each one of you, i was born blank with no prior kowledge

Keep me warm and loved…i miss you..
Silence rised…

Peace rised,  each one looked up and inward and said thank you!

Everyone left home, disapointed but willing to agree on silence, love and compassion

-yes we are humans…

Truth cannot be divided

The end.

The River Of Life -excerpt 2- who are we

You are not a lawyer!

You are not a doctor!

You are not a Christian!

You are not Muslim!

You are not a Hindu!

Let us try to understand what I mean.

We usually introduce ourselves or others by saying: “This is Dr. Robert. He is a lawyer”. Most of the time we all like to use labels and titles to describe who a person really is. 

From our early years of education, we start associating people with their position, their titles or status.  Slowly but surely, we then become conditioned and start to position ourselves in comparison to others.

We tend to respect people who have important positions, such as managers, C.E.Os, politicians, or heads of various organizations.

Every young boy or girl, every human being has a unique mind, brain, and heart, yet we are still very similar to any other human being.

Studying something in particular, acquiring a skill, working under a professional name, they all add to our ‘mind and intellect’. 

However, it is important not to let these things imprison you or make you feel afraid or intimidated by others.   


Let’s take some time and try to really feel the meaning of my next words:

“I AM”.

Take a moment now to reflect on what it means to be complete.

Then you can go on and say: “I have studied X and practiced that profession as a career”. 

Outside my work, I simply “AM”. 

I look at my fellow human being with the same openness I had when I came out of the womb. 

You are not “Jad”, you are not any “one”, “title”, “persona”, or “follower”.

You simply ARE.

You can then continue the discussion with what you have studied and what you currently do (I studied medicine, I practice therapy, I pray to…etc).

This new perception will allow you to go deeper within yourself, detach yourself from titles, and allow yourself to reconnect with your core being – your pure self. 

Simply imagine it as if you would be wearing a robe that is called “a lawyer”, “a therapist”, or “an engineer”. It’s only a piece of garment!

Take it off when you’re not using it.

It will take a while for this shift to sink in but when it does, you will be in harmony with the river of life.
2. Where do you come from? 

Who are you?

From the moment the semen came into existence to this day when I am typing and you are reading this, I have been through a few miraculous changes. We often forget how amazing, magical, and spiritual these changes are.

However, if we keep on going in reverse, we will then reach a universal truth: 

We each come from our parents, our parents come from their parents, and this goes on and on until we are faced with the dilemma of Adam and Eve. If we keep going backwards, we will then see that it seems like it all comes from LIGHT. This fits in nicely with the Big Bang theory and many others. 

According to quantum physics, we know that the dissection of electrons will only lead us to LIGHT.

Everything is light! 

We are made of light!

You can’t be anything but a pure being coming from ONE SOURCE having a physical experience.

Many have used the phrase: ‘You are a spiritual being having a physical experience’, and it seems to resonate very well with people.

I’m sure most of you can understand why.

Now, let me ask you a question.

Is the little kid that you once were, that 5 year old playing outside in the garden – is he still you? Will you look the same when you are 80 years old?

Everything changes, therefore no one can define you according to your shape or appearance. Nothing is permanent.

But there must be something unchangeable, because you have known YOU since birth and throughout your life there was a constant notion of your “self”.

That is YOU.

You are the presence, the unchangeable, the one who can watch your body changing throughout years. The one who can observe your own thoughts, ideas and interactions. 

Once you start understanding this truth and stop identifying yourself with your body, your mind, your profession or the society you happen to live in – you will find your kingdom.

Kindle format (amazon)

Link from my store (pdf+8 meditative music tracks).

Great for stress.healing.insomnia.

The River Of Life -New Release 

excerpt of my new book. (Links below)
. Introduction

2. Who are you? Where do you come from?

3. Knowing your body

The physical aspect of our existence

4. How it all started 

5. Examining the dysfunctions of the body and the roads to healing

6. Why the body loves moving

7. Exploring your mind and soul

8. The power of the conscious and the subconscious mind

9. What is the mind? Is it the same as the brain?

10. Malfunctions of the mind

11. The 2 most powerful behaviors of the mind

1. Introduction


Anybody there?

I know you are reading this, but that doesn’t mean that you are in this moment.

Now, I will ask you to breathe in deeply and relax your muscles. Do what you need to do to get yourself into a relaxed state of mind.

Are you relaxed?

Great. We are ready then. Switch off any mental chatter that may be lingering in your mind. 

You’re simply here with me, which is also you! 

I am you! Are there two people here, or is it only you? I guess you think that it’s only you! But actually, it is also me! 


 Let’s set this aside for a minute.

Allow me to tell you about myself first.

I was born from a womb, hearing voices, not even recognizing that these are voices.

I saw shadows before my eyes, while not even knowing they were shadows. 

All I know is that they took away my happiness. All had been perfect: food, warmth, water, shelter, peacefulness. 

I was in Heaven!

One year later, I found out that the walking creatures were calling me “Jad”.

I had to answer back each time I heard that sound! It was unbearable at first, but then it started making me happy as these creatures were also comforting me.

A few years later, I began uttering sounds, words and phrases that had meaning. I began to understand how to deal with my parents and surroundings.

Let’s skip ahead to the future.

Finally, I had a religion! I also had a name and a personality, which I learned from my father mother, neighbors and relatives.

I had a nationality, a school and a great surprise as well:

“To know my politicians and my enemies”.

Everything was perfectly set up. I was the product and the product was now ready for society!

A few years passed and I sensed that something was not right. 

Some of the things that I have learned shocked and confused me.

I discovered that some people were against my beliefs. Many people had different religions and values. A lot of them had strange names. 

Some people were on my side, while others were against me. There was also jealousy and competition and … wait!

Isn’t this your story as well?

Back to you and I, the reader and the writer. Was I not different from you at the beginning? Or were we the same? 

That’s the story of each human being brought into this life, and that’s how our stories go.

But through all this “ready–made-product” which is called “me” or “my personality”, I have managed to find a deeper meaning through sounds and imagination that is music. I can assure you this was not imposed.

I discovered a higher truth, a passion for discovering life and the answers to the two questions: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”.

My love for music and that invisible sensation of something intangible but still present, ignited in me a deeper desire to try to understand the vast universe and the purpose of life itself.

A journey of seeking, exploration, discovery, experiencing and traveling began (and way too much mental analysis!), until I finally said enough!

I have learned enough. It’s now time to un-learn and take my mind and myself back to that beautiful womb where it all started!
Kindle format (amazon)

Link from my store (pdf+8 meditative music tracks).

Great for stress.healing.insomnia.

the world and terrorism

When u unleash wild dogs who can also train others, expect them to come back to you and do the same.

Usa, russia, syria,gulf ,turkey you re all involved.

Now you re playing the police.

Too simply this is the world war 3 on a small scale , for countries to forces their deals upon each other.

It may be a stoppable game or unstoppable.

It depends on each country deal satisfaction.

One religion is more vulnerable than others.

More weak.

They should wake up and not allow any infiltration of orders.

Let s wake up to the fact… one religion is doing what isis does and proud of it.

Of course not all. But their texts allow that…

I never saw in the middle east taoist..buddhist

.sickh..hindus…yogis doing that..or even christians.
An islam tevolution or reform is needed so they can stop being manipulated.


Through early ages of humanity, the beginning of realization that there must be a Creator :”GOD, THE SOURCE, THE ONE, JESUS, ALLAH..”

Wars have been declared from humans , against each other.

What a fantasy,thriller and horror movie.

U little small damn spec of a tiny dust living in an endless oceans of galaxies….

You are defending god??

You are killing in his name?

You are protecting him??

Such an imaginable source, being or creator of multi-universes , needs your help?

So u can defend him on a tiny planet called earth and seduce god by forcing your books teachings upon other human!!!

You’re defending god from a tiny geographical point as Palestine,Saudi,Iran,USA,Russia,china..

These ultra-microscopic points in the endless ocean of the galaxies , do u consider them the center of god’s attention??

Too bad humans lost perception and clarity of their mental,psychological and physical size in the midst of an unknown mystery.

U have a life span of 80 years ,but u loose it all or half of it, forcing your stupid weird ideas   upon your same specie “the human”.

If you won’t wake up,no one will care about your loss. but stop your bullshit cause some wants to live in peace, they want to LIVE.

Your false so called teachers,some of priests, some of sheiks,imams,teachers are poor guys like you and me, but with an envy of possession and blind , idiotic belief that he is elite.

Yes elite,big,important,holy…in an earth spinning in a galaxy around a sun,and that galaxy spinning among others, others,others,

You can’t imagine even your creator.

  1. You want to see him?
  2. Start by your self,shut your mind,mouth and cut your own hands before hurting another human.

Look at the animals who know their boundaries and never conquer other territories and lands occupied by other similar species.

Look at the variety of thousands plants,trees and flowers living with each other and growing.

Your own mind is the evil.

Your ignorance is your mortality

Oh foolish mortal..

Leave god alone, god doesn’t need your protection or conquests.

God created you and the whole universe.

One day will come where he will knock the earth down,

It’s turning to be a   cancerous cell in his body!!!….

Wake up, wake up….

who are the news robots ?

In 2016,17  especially since 2010 ,

I’m not sure if the coming robots are the real danger or the humans of 2016 are the new robots?

Articles and facts about artificial intelligence are true, and things are evolving fast. But the one who is evolving backwards, seem to be the human .

(Not generalizing but in most society the phenomena of the Dull-human is already there)

When i sit with lot of people from different familes, education, religion..

The sparkle of life seems to have disapeared…why???.

Look at their activites, heads pointing towards their smart phones,

Besides having no meaningful activites, same behaviour.

“Hello, what’s up, what is your are u doing, “oh sorry whatsapp, got to answer fb, and the person facing him take advantage to recuparate the lost mysteries of facebook newsfeed.


People bumping into each other, unconscious ,,seems that the only world available to them is their phone…

How many of us can discuss religions, science, life, love, behave naturally, freeing our hands from holding that smart phone.
So at the end i’m wondering;  is there a chance where  coming robots will be more participating, explanatory, sharing and have 100 000 option of  topics to discuss about?

We are social animals, without communication one to to group or one to group..the life of a human is the!!

Yes..a sinister future projection..not very far….

We got caught in the “web”…  soon physically…

Alarm..alarm!!!….3…2..1…. !
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WHY AM I / Sunday , august 21, 2016

Why am I

It s raining out there in my loved but disappointing country..
Although I belong to that planet..Not my borders..

Suddenly a question arise to my soul:

Why am “I”..What s the purpose of being,
It s a journey ..we sure know that…it comes to an end…
They say it s the beginning of a soul journey..
If only someone came back and showed us…

It s a road where we must seek inside and outside..
Nothing is sure..yet all Is.
Fly away from your brain..Embrace the whole existence…
The light will eventually show…

With love from Jad..

Download free music “experience” from my composition

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The Rise Of meditation, yogis & Buddhist

Dear all,

Friends and followers,

In an era and age, where chaos is the leading word! Established religions as Islam and Christianity are trying to rival again to gather more people.

(Unfortunately yeah, acting both  as parties having elections!)

It seems both have conflicts within them selves, even though predominately Islam has more challenges to prove to the world that it’s not a religion of terrorism,

The wise among the sects are the one who should find a way to stop Isis!

Christianity is probably still stable “in numbers” and  growing or trying to re form with the new pope.

there is 2 fundamentals question rising in these 2 majors religions.

what are they teaching on the level of the individual? seems to me, numbers, politics, countries, repartition of social worldly stuff are taking advantage on spiritual seeking.

I’m not generalizing, i agree there are many people , priests, cheikh’s teaching peace, love, and compassion

but that’s the problem.  WE TEACH! WE SPEAK!

how do we expect a mind in 2015-2016 to listen when the fast pace of life has become 20 times faster than older generation, who can listen nowadays!!??

On the other hand, we are seeing a rise, in meditation, in that spreading word, that use to be scary for most, and also the word “yoga”, “Zen”,”Buddhism” are not negative anymore.

Let me try to elaborate little bit more.

these religion/philosophies, i call them philosophies too because they are inclusive!, they don’t teach you “become with us, or you’re doomed to hell”

that’s a plus for them nowadays!, they don’t have rules for race, colors, and cultures.

they focus on the individual how to grow in spirituality, “spirituality is not a woo-woo word”

every religion started basically by spirituality , isn’t the goal of every Christian to become close to god and more spiritual? for Islam too?

My simple question is :

An hour on Sunday, is it enough to make us close to god or inner peace?

We’re ending up talking about Christian-politics all day on TV!

Is preaching in mosques and unfortunately lot of them about killing Jews and infidels  or others, defensiveness, cause lot of them feel targeted, i do understand that, (again i’m not generalizing, but it’s very common in the middle east)

so in what way we are expecting to advance??

Buddhism, yoga, Zen, and some other eastern traditions, they get along as well, and they know that the source is one!

some call it tao, some nirvana, some samadhi, whatever.

they teach about finding your own way, and now here is their best point!


they invite persons on HOW to take care of the body HOW to breath HOW to control emotions HOW to reach a higher state, daily practices , and I’m not talking about their god or deity devotion, it’s their right, but even their deity are not mandatory as an exam to pass hell or heaven!

the human being of 2015-2016 requires peace, aloneness, knowing what love is, re gaining his nature, his essence in being spiritual.

Christian mystics if joined on one table with Buddhist and Zen they would agree 100% , as St Therese of Avilla, St john of the cross, St Francis.

Or in Early sufism as Abd al-Qadr al-Jilani ,Ahmed al-Rifa’i, others..

Sufism also would agree 100%

but The political-religious parties, and their surface shallow talk about Islamic and Christianity teaching will lead nowhere, and let’s look around us!!

more wars, more quarrels, more conflicts!!!

For the one who consider meditation or other eastern philosophies scary! Search  in your own religion, in your mystics, find the true meaning.

YOU CANNOT FIND GOD IN THE MASS ALONE. god is inside, he/she is not separate from YOU.

look at the shared common ground in between all religion and practices

It’s the practice of silence!! and seeking inwardly! or letting go!

keep doing it!

Don’t get caught up in religion elections, and which numbers of what sect will get more votes!

The eastern were there, before us, and they are coming back, not by force, but by simple facts! and tools!

Whoever you are, whatever you do, whatever your belief is,

get silent daily for couple of min, dig into your roots of religions

even atheist have common ground in silence and accepting.

Peace and love

Jad Mehanna